Dive into the world of Direct Marketing as a creative entrepreneur in this new 38-minute masterclass with examples and actionable ways to uplevel your direct marketing approach.

Agent email template, proven to get results!

I have used this very same template dozens and dozens of times with proven results! Now, just because this has worked for me, doesn’t mean it will for you. Use this as a jumping off point. Keep going! You got this.

The Voiceover Business Workflow eBook!

This eBook is chockablock full of useful nuggets to help get your butt in gear. If you’re feeling stuck about what to do next to find clients, this guide can help. From how to find clients to working with them, I have organized the information you need to hit the ground running TODAY.

Voiceover Jargon PDF!

There are so many abbreviations and short hand jargon-y things that voice actors, engineers, agents, managers, and industry folk say. It can get confusing and sometimes embarrassing if you don’t know what they mean! Grab this PDF to get in the know.

General Service Agreement (Contract) that includes NAVA’s AI RIDER

Need a contract for your new clients? Never fear! Here’s one for you to use! Treat this as an example to craft your own or fill in the blanks for yourself.